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We will send you you a list of intentions once a week to pray for our brothers and sisters.
A Recipe for Intercession*
1. Talk directly to God. Prayer is a relationship. Use one of the names of God as you address him in prayer. Begin your prayer with "Jesus," "Heavenly Father," "Lord," "Holy Spirit," or "God."
2. Be specific. Who are you praying for? Pray for them by name if has been shared with you.
3. Name the darkness. What is broken or in need of help? What ought not to be? Where is sin or sickness causing fear or pain?
4. Ask for light in the name of Jesus. Jesus tells his disciples: "If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it" (John 14:14). What graces or virtues do you want God to loose? What could help the situation they're in? What obstacles do you want God to remove? "In Jesus' name, loose faith in Jack's heart today." "Please give Lucia strength and heal her in the name of Jesus."
5. Make an act of trust or thanksgiving. In the end, we trust God: that he is good, that he is able to fight for us, and that his will is the best answer to our prayer. "Thank you for hearing my prayer, Lord." I know you are always there for us, Jesus, I trust in you." "Your will be done, Father."
*from Evangelical Catholic's "Reach More Mission Training"