OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Becoming Catholic begins with Baptism and is a journey that looks different for everyone. Some Catholics were baptized as infants in the Catholic Church, some in Protestant churches, and some were baptized as adults. Many Catholics began their journey as unbaptized teens or adults.
One is a fully-initiated Catholic when they have received all three of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Communion). Receiving all three of these Sacraments is just the starting point of becoming Catholic. RCIA provides the opportunity to encounter a living God that loves you so unconditionally and lavishly, that he became one of us, died for us, and conquered death for us so that we might join our lives to him and know that he is with us always.
If you would like to learn more about the one who created you, loves you, and wants to live with you for eternity, contact us to learn more about how he came to establish the Church and her Sacraments so that you might encounter him and become his disciple.